Friction pendulum – Slip resistance

In the production and development of this precision equipment, our specialized personnel participate in its verification as an ENAC-ILAC accredited laboratory, ensuring the highest quality and precision the its finish.

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Innovation comes hand in hand with the use of the best materials, a good result of this is the material used for the WAMMA LAB International series Pendulum bases made of high quality stainless steel.

The assembly and production of this equipment is carried out in Spain by technicians from the ENAC / ILAC accredited Laboratory in verification tests of Pendulum equipment.

The best combination for the Pendulum is the Sample Holder. The new WammaLab International Sample Holder is designed in high quality aluminum, anodized and shot blasted, it ensures its resistance with a contained weight. These characteristics make it the best accessory for testing and conditioning both in the laboratory and in field trials.

Main features

The friction pendulum measures the energy loss when sliding a standardized rubber shoe, attached to the end of the pendulum arm, pressed by a spring, on the test surface, which provides the value of the sliding resistance. When the arm oscillates, the frictional force between the shoe and the test surface is obtained by measuring the reduction in circular motion of the pendulum arm.

Depending on the test method, application or country, rubber shoes of different hardness are used.

This equipment is suitable for carrying out laboratory tests, as well as for measuring soils in service.

equipo pendulo de friccion | Friction pendulum - Slip resistance
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Scope of use

  • Measurement of slip resistance in buildings.
    Measurement of slip resistance on sports surfaces and swimming pools.
  • Measurement of slip / skid resistance in infrastructures and roads.
  • Slip resistance measurement on road markings and coatings.
  • Aggregate analysis using the Accelerated Polishing Coefficient (CPA) test.
  • Use in the evaluation and analysis of landslide accidents.
  • Development of non-slip flooring.
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  • UNE 41901
  • UNE 41902
  • CEN/TS 16165
  • UNE-ENV 12633
  • EN 16165
  • UNE-EN 13036-4
  • UNE-EN 14904
  • UNE-EN 13893
  • UNE 124-1
  • UNE 1436
  • NLT 175
  • BS 7976
  • ASTM E303
  • AS 4663

Included with the kit

  • 3 shoes with certificate of conformity issued by the manufacturer and checked in our laboratory.
  • Sprayer and assembly tools.
  • ENAC accredited team verification. Equipment verification tests. Friction pendulums slip resistance.
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